NSA Wales & Border Early Sale Moves to Brecon
21st November 2023
The NSA Wales & Border Ram Sales committee says the sales are in good shape and gearing up for a strong future. The Early Sale, held on the first Monday in August, is to move to Brecon to cut costs, while the Main Sale in September will remain at the Royal Welsh Showground.
Vice Chairman, Geoff Probert, says the move to Brecon marks a brand new chapter for the Early Sale and reflects the positive outlook for its long term future. Brecon has a modern purpose built market with covered sheep pens and is an out of town location off a roundabout on the A40 trunk road. It is a good sized spacious site with plenty of room to park.
He feels: “We feel this is our best option to maintain the Early Ram Sale in its usual format. Brecon Market is a good facility.
“We’ll still be able to operate two rings and we feel it’s the best move we can make. It means we’ll be able to maintain the two sales going forward, with a positive cash flow.
“We’ll be able to maintain the standards and improve on them. We’ve turned things round and we’re in a lot better position this year than we were last year.
“It’s positive and we’re also moving things forward with sponsorship and hopefully we’ll increase entries for both sales.”
This year’s main sale had 3,500 tups entered and a turnover of more than £2million, an increase of over £70,000 on the previous year. The top price of 24,000 guineas was taken by a Texel shearling from Andrew Reed, Haverfordwest. There was also a great selection of tups suitable for a variety of sheep enterprises both pedigree and commercial.